Care Coordination Team Update
Primary Care practices can participate in two collaborative care coordination
programs as members of Mary Washington Health Alliance. Both programs
provide staff and financial support to offset the cost of performing care
coordination activities such as wellness visits, early follow-up appointments
after a hospital discharge and addressing “gaps” in evidence
based quality measures. Table 1 provides a comparison of our two care
coordination programs.
The “embedded” care coordination program began in 2016 and
currently has 6 primary care practices participating (33% of those eligible).
This program is directed towards our Medicare population and provides
incentives for completing four activities: performing Annual Wellness
Visits (AWV’s), contacting high risk patients, seeing patients early
after discharge and closing quality measure gaps. This program does require
a degree of documentation specific to each patient encounter. The Alliance
staff work with a key contact at each practice to collaborate and ensure
success of this program.
The Commercial Collaborative Care Coordination program was initiated in
April 2017 and currently has 21 primary care practices participating (55%
of those eligible). This program is geared towards our commercial contracts
(Aetna, Cigna, Innovation Health) and allows more flexibility in the activities
a primary care practice can choose to perform each quarter. The Alliance
provides data related to high risk patients, patients with frequent ED
visits or hospital readmissions, and “gaps” in evidence based
quality measures. Pediatric practices are eligible to participate in this
program. The Alliance staff provides support for analyzing data and creating
quality improvement processes.
The Alliance staff includes four registered nurses with advanced degrees
who have experience in working with patients with multiple co-morbidities
and complex social issues. These nurses target high risk and rising risk
patients who may benefit from consultation in areas such as medication
assistance, transportation, disease specific education and continuity
of care. These nurses work closely with the primary care practices to
ensure smooth transitions of care.
If you would like to learn more about the Alliance Care Coordination programs,
please contact Joan Snyder, Population Health Manager, (540) 741-2119